Sunday, April 19, 2015

I Will Kick Kentucky Poverty's Ass

by Johnathan D. Masters

1- After 4 years, what will your office have accomplished to improve life in Kentucky?

After 4 years of a Young Administration, the most ambitious radical progressive agenda Kentucky has ever seen will be implemented. Some of the accomplishments are listed herein: 

*War on Poverty declared
*Financial and legal advisers provided for all Kentuckians; (State Treasurer's Office)
*Poverty levels would drop to 5%
*Deric Lostutter pardoned
*Unemployment would be nonexistent
*Government salaries capped at $50,000
*A gallon of gasoline would cost $2
*Red light cameras and fracking would be banned
*All rapist jailers, and cold-blooded murderers, whether they're donning a badge or not, will be arrested, jailed, charged, and prosecuted
*Citizen's Complaint Board established
*State workers' Pensions protected
*Kentucky Employee Free Choice Act (KyEFCA) passed
*Hydroelectric dams built everywhere
*Change FM radio to Digital
*All government systems would be modernized
*Like Code Louisville, Code Kentucky would be established
*Thousands, if not millions, of new small business's would be opened
*More corporate HQs will join Houchens and Yum Brands, and see the economic opportunities happening here in Kentucky, and set up shop here
*Buses, “Jobs on Wheels”, 4 poor rural folks
*text 911
*let schools donate leftovers to homeless
*legalize yard sales
*political bootcamp for new government leaders, like Emerge, only effective, and equal
*A Trash-to-Electric Program established, and thriving, using Sweden as a model
*An integrated discovery website would be constructed for folks to discover Kentucky campsites, hiking trails, historical sites, national parks, lakes, rivers, creeks, streams, tulip poplars, goldenrods, brachiopods, agates, crider soil, and gray squirrels
*Medicaid, K-12, and college spending, would be protected
* would be expanded to include home and car insurance exchanges
*consider billboards on sides of buses and government buildings to raise revenue; charge high dollar for basketball gyms, football fields, soccer fields, baseball fields, etc
*Citizen Action, and other local government agencies, would have Saturday hours, so that qualified working people, can benefit as well
*Voter turnout rate will be at 90%
*Most political positions, county and State, would be occupied by local working class folks
*All government minutes (or video) would be posted online
*A county KET Internet news channel would be set-up for all 120 counties
*Gatewood's Lake would be constructed
*All of Appalachia would have running water, or individual wells, or some variant
*All tax loopholes for luxury expenses would be covered
*The 1% would pay the same tax rate as the 99% does
*Affordable High-Speed Broadband Internet would be provided for every single 4.3 million Kentuckians, including the 800,000 in poverty
*A “Small Businesses of Kentucky” website would be constructed, to develop entrepreneurs, start-up seeding costs, and to provide legal and financial services
*Solar panels on 50% of Kentuckians' rooftops
*All corrupt officials would be fired, immediately
*Only smart, capable, affable, honest, moral, and qualified folks would hold positions of state authority
*Aggressive grant writing staff; create incentives for independent grant writers
*Task Force to see the viability for a GMI. GMI (Guaranteed Minimum Income) cuts out so much waste, as well eradicating poverty
*All 41 Jail-less Jailers would be fired
*I'd push for Line-Item Veto on their funds, as well as all other corrupt officials
*pro-environmental protection
*finish “the Kentucky History Project”; all Kentucky newspapers ever printed posted online
*pro-tourism protection
*build as many community colleges, vocation schools, adult gymnasiums, and hospitals as is needed
*All Senior Citizens would be exempt from Fishing and Hunting Licenses
*All “Not guilty” and dismissed cases will be immediately expunged off of your record, without any extra legal fees, or court costs
*A Moratorium on Fracking will be Issued until it's benefit to the public good outweighs it's costs
* will be expanded to include car and home insurance exchanges too; a public option for car, home, and health insurance will be offered, called YoungCare
*body cameras on all police officers will be mandatory
*all politicians with police powers must pass an annual Kentucky Constitution review
*$1,000,000 jackpot for some lucky voter to raise turnout rates (UK got $135 Million Dollars to build a huge building dedicated to curing cancer, even though Kentuckians grow the cure for cancer as our #1 cash crop)
*Day 1 of winning the Primary, I'll do a victory lap around to all 50 States
*Day 1 of winning the General Election, I'll start a transition team to start working on shoveling the pig shit out, bleaching everything, and start to make towards a civilizing democracy. Also, a Woodstock at the Capitol party would be held
*Cut all 6 figure pay; Treasurer, Governor, Supreme Court Judges, Appeals Court Judges, Circuit Court Judges, District Court Judges... all make 6 figures a year. $40,000 is all a person needs to live on; these aristocrats... should be able to live on the same salary that you're average middle class Kentuckian should live on. $40,000 is over a 60% cut in pay
*Abolish the seat belt law
*GMO Labels on all products
*Community college
*Public transportation
*Land and homes for the landless and homeless
*Sterilize all incoming folks for bed bugs
*Day 1 of my administration, I'll celebrate “Gay Day” (ie January 1, 2016) in honor of the final liberation of the homosexual masses in Kentucky with a Cannabis garden on front steps of Capitol
*Water for all Letcher Countians; work on wells, ionizing and filtering our own water, be water self-sufficient, self-reliant

My 10 Point Platform (with my 21 Point Economic Plan included therein!):

2- What strengths does your running mate possess that make him the best choice for Governor?

Geoff Young is honest, genuine, working class. Young represents the struggle well, as well as being right about every single Progressive issue that comes his way. Geoff Young has moral clarity, and Kentucky with Geoff Young at the helm would be the most prosperous, and green, Kentucky has ever been. Voting for Young would be voting for yourself. It's a very lucrative decision. We'll have a smart, effective, and capable government. We'd have a government that's efficient, isn't wasteful, that's helpful to folks...

3- Why do you believe your running mater is a better choice for Governor than his opponents?

Geoff Young is untouchable. Jack Conway is compromised.

4- What would your top 3 priorities be if elected as Lieutenant Governor?

1- Sweden's Trash to Electric program; work on government revenue streams without relying on taxes;

2- Revolutionize the Criminal Justice System; establish Citizen's Complaint Authority Board; Clean up Corruption, which saves taxes

3- Smoother website; connect Kentuckians to her government; start a task force for my 21 War on Poverty economic initiatives;

5- What are your recommendations for trimming the budget and cutting government waste?

All 12 Cabinet positions, as well as their sub-Cabinet offices, would be scrutinized over, as I will do in the oncoming weeks. All redundancies will be eliminated.

There's 12 Cabinets underneath the Governor, and for each of those 12 Cabinets, there's a dozen or more sub-Cabinets. I've been a Kentuckian my entire life, and I've never heard of most of these Cabinets. They do not do a good job of advertising what services they provide, which leads me to believe, they keep all of their money, and give it to their buddies, but have none for the general public. I am disgusted the more I learn about how many state government jobs there are. I would be a great state government worker, because I'd actually reach out to folks, let folks know what my department offers. I wouldn't be corrupt. I'd have an open door policy to where folks can talk about their problems, so if I can't get them what they want, then maybe I can find somebody who can. The disconnect that I have felt with my own government my entire life, I wouldn't extend that legacy on.

*Fill the seats with smart, capable, affable, and qualified folks.

6- If elected, what do you see as the most important issue you will face in the next four years?

Raising revenue without raising taxes on the 99%. General economic growth also raises more revenue for the general fund.

Buying 10 gas stations, KFC, Humana. Research the viability of a Central Bank... a Central Bank for Kentucky would add extra security to our financial stability. Being a poor state, an economic crisis hits our state harder than the other 50 states. A Central Bank would add an extra leg to stand on, a foundation to America's financial situation for Kentuckians, as well as foreign investors. A Central Bank can also dabble a small percentage in bitcoin, maybe precious metals, and foreign currencies to hedge our bets on the strength of the American dollar.

The genius of Sweden's Trash to Electric program is impossible to ignore. Burning trash for electricity... what's not to love about that? Does somebody want to keep our current Trash-to-Landfill for no electricity program? Sweden's trash to electric program is so successful, they're having to buy trash from Norway in order...

Constitutional Conventions... banning lawyers from being our overlords... only allowing them to serve as dog catchers... legalizing gay marriage... and ending the War on Drugs... not only do they create amongst their respective industries, plenty of jobs, but just the change in culture. Take for example legalization gay marriage. By having Kentucky become the first “gay friendly” Southern state, we'd increase tourism, plus make room for new gay couples in our communities... to live, work, breath, start bakeries amongst us. By having a culture conducive to not only tolerance, but acceptance, we'd also see an “economic stimulus” that would reverberate from as far west as the Kentucky Bend on the Mississippi River in Fulton County to the easternmost point in Kentucky: the Tripoint of the Tugfork River in Pike County; from the southernmost point in the Kentucky lake, 10 miles southeast of New Concord in Calloway County, to the most northern point northwest of Hebron in Boone County, next to the Ohio River.

7- What strengths do you possess that make you the best candidate for this office?

I have a clarity of vision.

Since I am not bought and paid for, I'm not corrupt, nor susceptible to corruption. I'm an Untouchable.

As a social capitalist, I won't just cheerlead for corporate HQs to come to Kentucky, like Yum Brands () and Houchens Industries (IGA, Save-a-Lot). I'll proudly give my money to IGA over Wal-mart any day of the week. Giving money to Walmart, I'll see the profits going to Arkansas, but with IGA, all of that goes to Kentuckians... it's a Bowling Green company, Houchens is.

While they get a seat at the table, they don't get all of the seats. I'd be a good balance between fighting for

I'm Kentucky through and through. I love this State. I want Kentucky to stop being the last in every category, and be the first. I'd see the value in Code Louisville, and helping promote Tech jobs, as Obama talked about in Louisville. Poor folks can also learn new languages. There's many trades we can teach others, so Kentuckians can develop themselves.

8- Why would you be more effective in this office than your opponents?

I have a strong moral core, a strong sense of right from wrong, and about what's fair and just. I have not been tainted by the system, nor do I have any ties to wealthy interests. My efforts will go towards making Kentucky a wonderful place to live for the 99%.

I'd be fair and firm. Since I'm not of the system, so I'd walk into the office as a peasant commoner, as a regular ole' Joe, just wanting to do what's right, what's best for Kentucky, fairly, between both corporations, and the 1%, and the middle, working, and poor classes... the 99%.

9- In what ways would you be an improvement on your predecessors in this office?

I have a vision for how I want to run the Lt. Governor's office. I have a vision, and that gives everybody who works for me a singular hopeful goal to work towards. Having an exciting vision gets folks excited too, to get progressive work accomplished.

I would want the Lt Gov to have a more active role in being a watchdog over all of the Branches of Government, and State workers.

10- To know you more personally, what issue(s), unrelated to the office you seek, are you passionate about?

For fun, I like to compare and contrast American States against each other, as well as countries internationally. The great thing about America is that we are an amalgamation of many cultures, ideas, histories, traditions... and we have the opportunity to take the best ideas all around the world, and to use them ourselves. We can leave the old dried up worthless ideas in exchange for ideas that have been proven in successful nations, and states. If Kentucky could produce the GDP of New York or California, we'd have more attention on us. The Netherlands and Germany, for occupying a much smaller space than all of USA, or China, has been able to maintain a high level of GDP, and growth to boot, so I don't see why Kentucky can't do the same.

I also have a garden that I enjoy tending to. I am raising tomatoes, cantaloupes, hot peppers, and sweet corn this year. But without any modern equipment—just a shovel, a hoe, a rake, a sling blade—I'm into permaculture.

I'm also fascinated with my ancestry. I'm 11% sub-Saharan African, and 89% European.

I further vow:

*No Nepotism; all Secretaries would be fired, and all new hires would be hired through a merit-based application system

*No Kill or Enemies Hit List; the Governor's chair isn't for my personal vendettas, but to make sure all Kentuckians succeed



NOTES (not all mine)
As Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky, I would take the job and position very seriously. While being a mostly sinecure position, meaning not very powerful, it does have the blessing of being a public face of Kentucky. While I don't believe I'll ever be Governor by Geoff dying, the position of Lieutenant Governor offers me enough power to substantially change Kentucky to it's betterment.

First initiative; $117,000 per year is my salary; $30,000 for me. $87,000 for some employees for major initiatives; Education and Healthcare;

Initiative 1: More smoother website, that highlights all the government programs Kentucky has to offer, and cut those programs which offer nothing; website to make Kentucky programs and services more effective. Increase government effectiveness of providing goods and services to the people;
a KET for every County; KET for the people: Initiative 5: Social Internet Media News for Every County in Kentucky; a KET for each and every county; 4 transparency in government; all government meetings are videotaped or minutes are posted online for all the review and read;
Education; be for liberation, not oppression, but liberation, and democracy. Democratic institutions... 13% turnout rate is sad, pathetic, and ridiculous; Make civic requirements of Kentucky graduates to understand their Constitution, and many local county positions that's not only available for them, but it's necessary they fill them, or inferior, or worse, corrupt people may occupy those chairs; it's time to occupy government seats. If regular working class folks were running government positions, we'd have a better government.

Initiative 2: Fire all bad police officers. Open up a Citizen Complaint Authority out of my office. Investigate all serious complaints.

Initiative 3: Sweden's Trash to Electric Program

$$$4; Culture Shifts as Stimulus Ideas; Constitutional Convention; Legalize gay marriage; Legalize all drugs; Trillion Dollar Idea; use Portugal/Colorado model;

Initiative 2: My 20 Point War on Poverty Program; Financial and Legal Advisors for Everybody
develop ourselves; entrepenuer; small business

Gatewood's Lake
Internet for Everybody
An Ambitious and Aggressive Grant Writer's Program: All Successful Grant Writer's get paid, even if autonomously done, independently;

Initiative 4: Nationalize coal

Initiative 5: Raise a Cannabis Garden on the front lawn of Kentucky's Capitol immediately after putting my pens and paper into the desk sitting in my Lieutenant Governor's office

Reassess all of the 12 Cabinets, and their dozen sub-Cabinets; cut out waste

41 jail-less jailers;
Kenton county attorney gets a portion of child support payments;
Ways to Pay for It
The Right to Unionize
Pass the KY's EFCA; employee free choice act; all business's with 15 employees or more must have an election on Jan 1, to have a vote on whether or not they want to unionize. No intimidation by boss's can be done. The employees on their own free will, will decide if they believe they'd benefit from a union or not.

Stumbo's plan only borrows $3B;
we're $35B in debt says Will T. Scott, some folks add $10B to that number for some mysterious reason; so, let's say, we're $50B in debt;
Ky makes $171B in GDP annually; meaning, we can borrow up to twice that amount, like Japan does, for emergencies
That's $342B we as a State can borrow without sinking ourselves. As long as we continue to pay our bills on time, we'll have a good Standard and Poor's, and Moody's credit rating, and will be a good investment internationally to the rest of the world.

Borrow that $3B... but invest it wisely. We'll need to figure out some good business ideas, so a portion of that money goes to figure out ways to raise revenue for the State of Kentucky without raising taxes on the 99%;

Public Ownership of Business's
Kentucky should buy 10 gas stations around the State; unionized; keep gas prices as low as humanly possible, force other gas stations to lower their prices too;
KFC uses our name... they pretend not to, but they do.
Humana... we can provide our own healthcare.

social capitalist:
financial and legal advisers for all
develop ourselves
small business

open door policy; champion policy intiatives in Frankfort; push for Progressive legislation during General Assembly sessions;

I'd have an effective Citizen's Complaint Board, but I think the Human Rights Commission is supposed to do that... so that would be fixed. If a citizen of Kentucky has a complaint about an issue they have, or about someone criminalizing them, I'd want to know. I'd have strong whistleblower protection laws to encourage folks involved in corrupt crooked criminal gangs to come forth, and to tell the truth.

For all citizens, anyone who murders in cold blood, whether having a badge or not, shall get the death penalty. All rapist jailers would be prosecuted, and the Era of militarized government has come to an end. Only Serpicos would be hired. Only Serpicos are the ones with enough honor to be truthful, to do the right thing, and since they operate with a license to kill, they need to work on deescalating situations, instead of making them worse. If there's a madman running around the streets, shooting folks... then go all Rambo on him. But if there's not a madman running the streets, shooting folks... then calm it the fuck down.


Universal Health Care and no TPP! 30 to 50/hr starting wage for all at 40 hrs,/wk with multi yearly vacations and full benefits. Real jobs! And an organic foods act and full ban on gmo's and pesticides and bad ingredients. Wine and beer in grocery stores and ban on blue laws. Free community college and public transportation for the poor and 24 hr busses.


and get Monsanto out of our food and marijuana! Legalized cannabis shops in every city and free medical marijuana for those who I need it
and regulate housing and tenant amd building codes and reign in these slum lords and their pay offs!
If we as a commonwealth get our power back we can be a shining beacon to all. Coal? Fracking? I'm for 100% solar and hydro and other safe things. Hippy or not it's quite clear which direction to go. I'm against taxing carbon emissions and that scheme and in favor of stopping pollution period
and you can frack for water too.
and end industrialized farming and bring back family farms. The organic way.
and end strip mining
and all people coming into KY should be sterolized for bedbugs. CA Borders do some things.
We can get water from miles away within KY away from The River and ionize and filter it with no chemicals for proper drinking and bathing water and end harmful chemicals and hard water.

Kentucky has the most national resort parks in the nation, and we should capitalize on that. Outdoor recreation makes for healthier citizens, and an economy focused on longevity. Historical sites, and other landmarks of interest could be added to the website as well.

I'd have an eagle-eye watch over all of the departments, to make sure nobody is culpable, complicit, or negligent in corruption or official misconduct.
I'd make eradicating poverty a top priority. I'd declare

I have a 20 point economic plan already drawn up, and would lean on that for initiatives, and new ideas. 

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